Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Global war on wo/men, through children!

Global war on wo/men, through children!

By Van Lewis

Ralph Peters got it half right (see below): "The greatest social revolution in history is underway all around us: The emancipation of" human beings. Humans have been and are being oppressed, not just women. We are all in the process of throwing off this inhuman oppression.

Peters points out rightly that it is not just men who oppress women. Women oppress women, too, and he gives the most horrifying and undeniable example possible, female genital mutilation of young girls by "old crones" in Africa, the sexual violence and war by adult women against their own daughters and granddaughters.

It is important for U.S. Americans to understand that this same evil war against the young and their future is being waged here in our own country by "old trolls" against young boys. Develop the human decency to call it what it is: male genital mutilation.

And not just here. We in the USA are only the second most numerous group in the world committing these heinous sex crimes against male children. By far the largest group is the Islamic world, against the anti-female sexism of which Mr. Peters writes so trenchantly. He has missed the anti-male sexism in those societies completely, perhaps because it is so powerful and all-pervasive in his own.

Jews, although relatively small in number, are the lynchpin in the ongoing justification for this ancient madness, having the specious "authority" of antiquity on their side. Both Islam and the Americans look to the Jewish myths and justifications to underpin and maintain our own insanities on the subject.

Genitally mutilating cultures are intensely self-justifying in their gross criminality against the young. Every conceivable ploy is used, from "God" to "religion" to "medicine" to "culture" to "aesthetics" to "social conformity" to "sexual control" on down, to keep the masses cowed and compliant, whether the sexual mutilations are committed against females, males, intersexed children, or all children regardless of sex.

For Americans, even the horrifying deaths of babies from circumcision cannot stop the slaughter of the innocents, which we regard as normal, so long as the babies dying are exclusively male (or intersexed). Female minors' genitals in our society are literally untouchable. Congress passed the federal anti-female genital mutilation act in 1996 and protected female minors' sex organs from even the slightest pin-prick, effective 30 March 1997. Looking at a young girl's sex organs wrong is now a federal felony.

As it should be. The law, although obviously unconstitutionally sexually and religiously discriminatory, is otherwise laudable. Its protections, to pass constitutional muster, must simply be extended to include all minors regardless of sex, religion or any other factor. What sex the child happens to be, what the religion or culture of the parents is, all of this is 100% irrelevant. The question is, when will ALL children in the world enjoy equal protection, legal and social, for the physical integrity of their own bodies that presently is extended only to a relatively few especially privileged ones?

The level of ignorance in our world about the actual nature, the structures and functions, of the human sex organs is astounding. It was only in the 1990s, for example, that science discovered a major, complex, highly evolved human sense organ within the human male foreskin. This "sexual eye" contains the highest density of nerve endings yet discovered in the human penis. Named by its discoverers the "ridged band", it is the exact target of male genital mutilation. You can read its uncontroverted scientific neuroanatomy in the British Journal of Urology of 1996 and 1999. The original articles are available through links at http://research.cirp.org

We genitally mutilated men – primarily Muslims, U.S. Americans, Africans and Jews – are sexually blinding our male children for life. As a direct consequence of our mutilations, we are afflicted with the sexual blindness necessary to wonder what the problem is with our misogynistic, raging, rampaging, warring, self-destructive, genitally mutilated, genitally mutilating cultures.

Male sexual butchery isn't just an oppressive attack on males and our sexuality, either. It is equally an attack on females and their sexuality. You cannot harm one sex without harming the other.

If you wanted to harm a woman grievously, without touching her body, how could you do it?

One of the most diabolical ways I can imagine is to mutilate deliberately and for life the sex organ of the man she most deeply loves.

Expand your evil, woman-hating plan. Don't just pick on one unlucky woman. Exercise your misogyny mightily. Go after ALL women. Mutilate the penis of every boy born.

Voila: Most of Islam, the USA, Africa, Israel.

Human liberation will never succeed as long as adults on this planet attack and mutilate the sex organs of their own children. These very sick people are the ones who rule Islam, the USA, Israel and most of Africa. They don't even know enough not to butcher the healthy sex organs of their own children. The human revolution will not succeed before this, the grossest form of child sexual abuse, is ended worldwide.

Adults must be stopped from harming children's sex organs no matter what it takes to restrain them from inflicting their compulsive, anti-sexual insanity on innocent children's healthy bodies. If we cannot insure even this minimum level of physical protection to the children of the world, then this world is condemned to sexual and broader violence from now on, for genital mutilation of children by adults is the most evil form of violence in the world. It is war against the young, war against the future by the old crones and old trolls – what sex they happen to be is irrelevant, too – who are terrified by the mortal fear that they will die, and wracked with the intolerable envy that young people will go on living, and what's worse, will have more pleasure and happiness in life than they did themselves. But increasing the healthy pleasure – including the potential for healthy, whole sexual pleasure in adulthood – and the broader happiness, health and security of the young is the only way to peace on earth.

It is the clear responsibility of Earth's adults to end the genital mutilation of children on our planet. Let us not fail the children of our world, the future of humanity.

Van Lewis is the Administrator of the Ashley Montagu Resolution to End the Genital Mutilation of Children Worldwide: A Petition to the World Court, the Hague, which can be read and signed with Nobel Laureates and thousands of others at http://MontaguNoCircPetition.org


Global war on women
By Ralph Peters
The greatest social revolution in history is underway all around us: The emancipation of women. Advanced in our own society, elsewhere the battle for women's rights lies at the heart of colossal struggles over the future of great religions and civilizations.
The Washington establishment would shrink from any such claim, but the Global War on Terror is a fight over the social, economic and cultural roles of women. The core issues for the terrorists are the interpretation of God's will and the continued oppression of women. Nothing so threatens Islamic extremists as the freedom Western women enjoy.
Equal partners
The sudden transition of women from men's property to men's partners in our own country unleashed dazzling creative energies. In the historical blink of an eye, we doubled our effective human capital - and made our society immeasurably more humane. Our half-century of stunning economic growth has many roots, but none goes deeper than the expansion of opportunities for women.
But such unprecedented freedom threatens traditional societies. Behavior patterns that prevailed for millennia are suddenly in doubt. Relationships that granted males the power of life and death over female relatives have disappeared from successful cultures. Defensively, the failing cultures left behind cling harder than ever to the old ways amid the tumult of global change.
The true symbols of the War on Terror are the Islamic veil and the two-piece woman's business suit.
The math is basic. No civilization that excludes half its population from full participation in society and the economy can compete with the United States and its key allies. Yet Middle Eastern societies, especially, have dug in their heels to resist change. Some, such as Turkey, Pakistan and Iran, have tumbled backward.
Islamist terrorists have formed the last, great boy's club, meeting in caves and warning girls to stay out - or, in the case of the 9/11 hijacker Mohammed Atta, demanding that women be kept from his grave to avoid polluting it. Their vision offers women fewer rights by far than those enjoyed by the wives of the prophet Mohammed. They are women-hating sadists for whom faith is an excuse. Their fears are primal.
The good news is that the forces of oppression can make plenty of tactical mischief but can't achieve strategic success. No society in which women are veiled and sequestered can achieve the dynamism and force of one in which women are senators, judges, CEOs, doctors and military pilots. Freedom will win, if not swiftly.
The bad news is that this is a truly global struggle involving not only Islamist thugs terrified by female sexuality, but also reactionary forces in our own society. The Global War Against Women is still being waged on the home front, too.
Without questioning the integrity of those who believe that life begins at conception, the struggle to overturn Roe v. Wade can also be viewed as an attempt to turn back the clock on women's freedom. Opposing such a reversal isn't a matter of thinking abortion admirable, but of accepting the magnificent revolutionary principle that no man has a right to tell any woman what she can or cannot do with her body.
Attempts to interfere with another citizen's liberty are worthy of Osama bin Laden, not of Americans.
Likewise, the ideologically driven reluctance of the Food and Drug Administration to approve the "morning-after pill" for general use is a vestige of patriarchal tyranny that would please Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, al-Qaeda's leader in Iraq. Longing to restore the tyrannical pattern that governed social relations down the ages, our extremists demand that women's options be restricted, that their bodies be treated as chattels of the state.
Women deny rights
Nor should we be surprised that women stand among those who would deny rights to other women. Their counterparts are the African crones who demand that young girls undergo genital mutilation just as they did, or the women of the Middle East who insist that wearing a chador protects them. They are the champions of the small morality of rules over the greater morality of freedom.
The greatest moral advance has been the attainment of basic human rights by women. It's also the most threatening development to those daunted by change, who cling to a mythologized past and fear the future - whether in a Saudi-funded madrassa or protesting outside a U.S. Planned Parenthood clinic. Around the world, troubled souls continue to insist that women are the source of sin and must be kept in line for their own good. Theirs is a prescription for suffering, dreariness and stagnation.
In traveling the globe, I've witnessed far more instances of the mistreatment of women than I care to recall, but the one that always leaps to mind is local and superficially benign: In the southern heat of a Washington summer, it's common to see a male Middle Eastern tourist comfortably dressed in a polo shirt and shorts trailed by a staggering woman wrapped from head to toe in flapping black robes, eyes peering out through a mask. It offends me to meet that image in my country - or anywhere.
We do not think of our troops abroad as fighting for women's rights. But they are. This is the titanic struggle of our time, the liberation of fully half of humanity. Islamist terror is only one aspect of it. But we can be certain of two things: In the end, freedom will win. And no society that torments women will succeed in the 21st century.
Ralph Peters is the author of New Glory, Expanding America's Global Supremacy, and a member of USA TODAY's board of contributors.