Tuesday, August 02, 2005

"CASTRATE Circumcising!" Why the violent name?

" 'CASTRATE Circumcising!' ??? Do you have to be so damn graphic? "

Listen, I haven't drawn any blood. The people drawing blood are the circucmisers. And innocent blood at that.

I have chosen "CASTRATE Circumcising!" as the name for this blog because I believe that in order to have a peaceful, non-violent, sustainable human world, we must end the reproduction of circumcising.

How do we end reproduction?

We castrate!

It's that simple.

There is another reason for choosing this violent image and language.

Circumcising IS violence. Sigmund Freud said circumcising started as a substitute for castration (maybe, maybe not; I think probably so, but not in the way he postulated; see "Origin of Circumcising?" posted here 24 August, 2005) and that the victims often perceive it as a castration threat, or as castration itself.

I think they probably often perceive it as a whole lot worse than castration - a murder attempt is more likely - but castration is bad enough.

So "CASTRATE Circumcising!" to me means - and invites the victims of genital mutilation to - TURN THE TABLES! (Without directing our deep-seated violence back at the perpetrators. Very important. If you don't think so, just ask them.)

CASTRATE CircumcisING! Not CircumcisERS.

Circumcising is violence and instills violence, at the most basic, fundamental level. Circumcising makes sex violence. It's where sex and violence first meet, and marry. Circumcising makes love violence. There is nothing more fundamental than love, and nothing more fundamentally wrong than changing it into hatred and violence.

Genitally mutilated, circumcised men – primarily Muslims, U.S. Americans, Jews, and some groups of Africans (and where is the bulk of the world's violence coming from today?) – are violent men, internally when not overtly. Our own sons' bloody diapers prove it, as do our interminable, disgraceful, evil, God-forsaken wars against each other.

We need an acceptable external target for our internal rage and violence. Not our sons' penes (penises), and not each other. Finally, our children's bodies and our own are off limits, at least for those of us with IQs over about 0.0001. We need a socially acceptable target. We need, and our societies need us, to let our extreme internal violence out on a target the utter destruction of which would actually benefit us and our loved ones.

I can think of no better external target for our internal rage and violence than circumcising itself.

Sexually mutilated Jewish, Muslim, U.S. American and African men, we are not each others' real enemies! We must unite against our true oppressor!

It is circumcisING, the ACTION, that, for the sake of the survival of the world, we, its victims, must now courageously destroy. Not the actORS; not our circumcisERS. Not even the concept; not CircumcisION.

The ACT. The simple, insane, God-awful ACT. CIRCUMCISING. THAT is our exact target. THAT is our real enemy.

Attack it. Attack the ACT. Not the actors.

Hate the game, not the players.

Let's play a new game. A more fun game. The exciting and very challenging game of abolishing genital cutting and sexual mutilating of children from the face of the earth, forever. Give children a chance.

What should have been done for us, we can do for the world!

CASTRATE Circumcising!


At 10/6/08 20:28, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Execute them instead. That deals with female's who express a preference and hypocritically propagate the practice.


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