Thursday, August 04, 2005

Who circumcises?

It's not circumcision that needs to be studied. It's circumcisers.
- John Erickson

Circumcising is often called an "initiation", certainly when it's done to adolescents, but also when it's done to young children and even to infants.

I cannot imagine infants having any concept of being "initiated" into anything, except maybe Hell, by this gross, traumatizing, mutilating insanity.

It seems to me that "medical" circumcising of healthy young children and infants is, however, an initiation, but not for the victims.

For whom, then?

For that special class of victims we call perpetrators.

Medical students circumcising babies or young children for the first time are clearly the ones being initiated. They are the young people being brought into a society of older ones. They are the youthful but maturing candidates for initiation and induction.

Into what?


Into a gang.

A gang of criminals.

A gang of sex criminals.

A gang of perverted sex criminals.

A gang of insane, perverted sex criminals.

That is what circumcisers are.

Initiating new gang members

How do gangs bring new members into their criminal fold?

By initiating them.

What are gang initiations like? How do they work?

They often require the prospective member to commit some brave crime that will benefit the existing members of the gang. Perhaps it is a daring daylight robbery or a clever, surreptitious, clandestine theft. Sometimes it might even include a required ritual murder.

This initiating criminal act on the part of the prospective new member demonstrates to everyone involved, in an undeniable way, the willingness of that candidate to change from being a normal, loyal, moral member of the society at large, subject to its rules and regulations and recipient of its benefits - protection by the law and so on - to being a confirmed member of the smaller criminal conspiracy, subject to its very different rules, regulations and benefits - protection from other gangs by criminal means and whatever other criminal projects the gang survives and thrives on.

The new member is proving to everyone by his or her criminal actions, not words, that they are leaving behind "forever" their old life, loyalties, morals, etc. (the crime insures that there is no turning back; there are too many witnesses ever again to be able to claim innocence), and declaring their allegiance to their new criminal protectors and compatriots, to their rules, regulations, mores, customs, duties, lifestyle, world view.

"One for All, All for One! Strength in Numbers!"

Gangs have great appeal to their members. They offer substantial benefits. Otherwise they would not form or survive.

In return they require complete loyalty and unquestioning compliance.


This is exactly what a new medical student is doing when he or she circucmises his or her first child. They break the normal rules of society, commit their initiating, committing crime, and demonstrate conclusively thereby their greater faith in the protection afforded by the medical culture, the gang, than in the broader human society at large. It is "medicine's" values – such as they are, not as they should be – that now will guide them.

The new member of the medical gang has committed at least one heinous sex crime, one from which there is no turning back, a permanently mutilative human rights violation and sex crime that can never be corrected, and in so doing leaves normal human society "forever", and commits himself or herself, for better or for worse, to membership in the criminal medical conspiracy against the full, healthy sexuality of the children and their full, unmutilated, unlimited humanity.

This bloody, irreversible initiation, depending on the medical specialty chosen by the initiate, may never be repeated, or this newly initiated doctor, over a lifetime of practicing US "medicine", may repeat his or her heinous sex crime hundreds or even thousands of times, reconfirming with each new mutilation his or her loyalty to the medical gang and faith in its willingness and ability to protect, even in the face of such horrific, numbing, serial sex-criminal activity.

Either way, the all-important initiation has occurred. The new member is joined forever by their sex crime – and in many cases the uncounted repetitions thereof – to the criminal medical body, and likely will have an exteremly difficult time, as do almost all gang members, ever leaving the gang and trying to go back to being a normal, productive, moral, conscientious member of society. The punishmnets meeted out for doing so can be severe. "Traitors" are not well thought of by those criminals left behind.

It seems to me that understanding the psychology of gang behavior may go far in helping us understand how medical doctors in the USA can still, at this late date, be in such ferocious denial of their own and their disgraced profession's obvious, blatant criminality in circumcising, in unnecessarily mutilating the sex organs of over a million healthy minors every year, for life.

Their world view does not permit them to think of themselves as the sex criminals they obviously are. Their psychic and emotional defences are virtually impenetrable. They apparently feel they must compulsively keep committing their very strange crime, if for no other reason than to "prove" that they are not doing so. Today's circucmising, in their moral calculus, "justifies" yesterday's, and prepares the way for tomorrow's, which will be even more "necessary" in order to "justify" today's, AND yesterday's.

The only problem is, 1,200,000 wrongs every year in this sexually insane country don't make a single Mr. Right.


Somewhat less violent groups that exhibit many of the same basic behaviors and psychology as gangs are college sororities and, especially, fraternities. Like doctors' associations, when they're good they can be very very good, but when they're bad they're horrid. When they go bad they literally become criminal gangs.

They also practice initiation. These initiations vary in the extent to which they require uncouth, anti-social, even criminal acts demonstrating loyalty and binding the guilty party to the group, but at times they can get quite violent and destructive, emotionally at least, and sometimes physically as well.

"Hazing" is a part of this initiating process, first at the undergraduate sorority and fraternity level (it's good training for later) and then in medical school and especially during medical residencies, where the new doctors are finally integrated into the adult gang activity. The new initiates in both cases are put through "hell" (there's that word again), as were the poor unfortunates before them who have now become their new tormentors (we teach the techniques of child abuse to the new generation by abusing it; circumcision fits here), in order to test how badly this person wants to be "one of the boys" or girls. Some Greek brothers and sisters and some medical students and residents don't "make the grade". They drop out, sensing that perhaps this group is not really worth "belonging to" after all.

People of conscience and integrity are weeded out this way. That's just fine with the gang. They're not looking for individuality. Certainly not conscience. The last thing criminal gangs like sororities and fraternities gone-bad and medicine gone-insane are looking for is intellectual and moral integrity in new members. They're looking for grunts to do the dirty work, so they won't have to any more.


The survivors of all this insane, inhuman abuse circucmise, those who have been most carefully taught, those willing and anxious to "return the favor" to younger people when their turn finally comes. In the USA, it's mostly a giant gang of perverted, insane sex criminals that circucmises. They've traded their humanity in for a medical diploma on the wall, and the guidance and protection of their "older, wiser, more powerful" compatriots in crime.

Sometimes the alluring and very real promise of money and power, and plenty of it, is just too strong for an ambitious young person to resist.

All that stands between the candidate and "wealth and happiness for life", so he or she naively imagines, is "that little snippet of worthless skin".

"To have my medical diploma on the wall, and all the wealth, power and security it represents in MY struggle for a good life, I will risk your worthless life, you poor, helpless little bastard. They did it to me. I'll do it to you. So be it."



At 31/12/05 08:37, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I, too, am a victim of the misguided and criminal practice of circumcision. He was a doctor, probably circumcised, and he did not think of the long-term consequences of his short-term "medical intervention". A self-healing dorsal slit would have done the job, with minimal damage.


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